Sea otter moms are heroes, raising their pups on their own without the help of males or other females.
Immediately after giving birth, a sea otter spends hours fluffing and licking her pup to ensure the pup’s fur coat retains air, since sea otters do not have any layer of blubber or fat. And then in the months that follow, the mother must voraciously feed, so that she can nurse her pup for anywhere from four to twelve months, all while teaching the pup to survive and eventually thrive.
Someone once described starting an organization, as we have with Elakha, as like giving birth and raising a child. We’re pretty excited at what our “pup” is doing so far!
- We’ve launched a scientific Feasibility Study and accompanying Economic Assessment to inform decision-making about the potential for sea otter restoration in Oregon.
- We’ve launched an online public education campaign, including webinars, podcasts, social media, and a new website.
- We’re building partnerships with other organizations small and large in order to build regional consensus that sea otter restoration is a goal worth pursuing.
But there is so much more that needs to be done, and that’s where you come in. We need you to help “feed” Elakha with the resource most needed at the moment: your donations. Your donations of $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford are essential if we’re to increase our impact in the months ahead.
For starters, we’re gearing up for a big public engagement strategy this summer around the public release of the draft Feasibility Study and Economic Assessment.
We’re also planning for a new round of outreach aimed at specific interested audiences, such as Tribes, ocean users, and those who catch shellfish or finfish as their livelihood.
All while setting the stage for 2022, when we’ll have to take the next steps on scientific assessment, and be prepared to launch a full-scale in-person public outreach program that dovetails with our online public education.
We’ve set a target of raising $30,000 from individuals by the mid-point of the year in order to be able to move forward with our complete plan. As I write this, we have raised $19,485 of that.
In honor of sea otter mothers, your own mother, or whoever in your life nurtured you when it was most needed, please consider donating.
Thank you so much & have a wonderful Mother’s Day.